The Place
Rush Ranch, an operating cattle ranch, is located in a 2,070
acre open space area, purchased and operated by the
Solano Land Trust. We will start in daylight with a
docent-guided tour of the Ranch and the 3 hiking trails
surrounding it. The 2-mile Marsh Trail leads down to
the edge of Suisun Marsh, the hike up Suisun Hill Trail
provides scenic vistas of the Marsh, Ranch, and the
adjacent hills - all unique parts of this gentle, quiet
landscape. The Ranch itself provides a wealth of interesting
subjects to photograph at night - a number of old buildings
(corral, stable, barn), plenty of old farm equipment,
weathervanes, etc.
Workshop Details
After our tour, we meet in the Visitor Center for a brief
introduction to Night Photography, followed by plenty of detailed
information about the evening's shoot. Emphasis will be on
evaluating existing lighting situations and exposing specific
films and digital cameras accordingly. Supplemental lighting
possibilities will be discussed and demonstrated, with an
emphasis on "Light Painting" techniques. Slide,
B&W, color negative films, and digital will be discussed
and compared. This is an intensive workshop limited to 15
participants, closely supervised on location. Students provide
their own equipment and should be familiar with basic photographic
techniques. An equipment and/or film list will be provided
upon receipt of payment. Camping on the property can be arranged
for those who wish to photograph into the "wee small
hours of the night"
Tuition and Registration
Tuition:$100, with full payment and pre-registration due by
September 10, 2016. Participants should plan on packing a light
meal for the evening; snacks and beverages will be provided.
Complete information is included in our Registration
Form - which you can print out, and send or FAX in
with your deposit to Pacific Media Arts.
Partial proceeds from this workshop will benefit the outreach
and education programs of the Rush Ranch Educational Council.
We hope to see you at Rush Ranch this Full Harvest Moon!
Suisun Marsh
Gate to Rush Ranch, ©Tim Baskerville
Weathervane on Rush Ranch