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A little NightNews . . . anyone?

""Night News" - an occasional missive from the darkness
Vol.14 No.1

"Fortunately, art is a community effort - a small but select community living in a spiritualized world, endeavoring to interpret the wars and the solitudes of the flesh."
- Allen Ginsberg


Well, 2011 - with all festivities surrounding The Nocturnes' 20th Anniversary - was quite a thing, no? So, now, here it is May of 2012 already and I'm not sure we've fully recovered, rested up, regrouped, or whatever. Not to say we've been idle these past few months - far from it! Admittedly, we had wanted to "take a little time off" to concentrate on things photographic (in general) - but that was not to be.

All this . . . activity - well, it sure beats the alternative! Let's have a look, shall we?

How about a little night music? A few months ago, we announced a Workshop and subsequent Exhibit of Nocturnes along the North Coast, in Gualala, CA. The Workshop will be held June 3-4 at sites including Fort Ross, Point Arena Lighthouse and The Sea Ranch. The Lecture sessions (and the site of the Exhibit, "A Little Night Music" taking place in October) will be held at Gualala Arts Center. Details about the Workshop can be found on The Nocturnes Workshops page - and on the GAC Web site. The Prospectus for "A Little Night Music" is also on the Gualala Arts Web site - here

In further news about Exhibits, we would like to announce plans to again host our Tenth Annual "Studio Nocturne" - part of City-wide San Francisco Open Studios - at Fort Mason Center, October 13-14, with a special preview reception on Friday, October 12, 2012. Details can be found when the event Web page - - is launched May 20. Why not make plans now to come on out and see us!?

Note also that we're looking for a few dedicated Nocturnes to fill two spots in our roster (10 artists) for the event. If you have been a part of San Francisco Open Studios in the past, then you know what a great, well attended, local arts community event this truly is. The REPLY deadline via email - studio [at] thenocturnes [dot] com - and/or phone (707-645-9860) to be considered is Thursday May 10, by 5pm. We expect a response that is greater than the TWO available spots! So, on May 11, we will draw the lucky individuals from a hat and contact them re: next steps.

Now, for some quick reminders of other events:

Our latest online Exhibit, "The Nocturnes 2012" will be open for submissions at the end of May, Continuing a tradition of open-themed biennial exibits, these shows have alway proved popular! Check out our EXHIBITS page for rmore details about this and other offerings!

We are planning a return to Death Valley for a 3-night Workshop, October 26-27-28, with special Guest Instructor (and one of the original Nocturnes), Tom Paiva. This and other events will make for a very busy October this year!

Hope to see you at one or all of these events!

Susan Nichols
Tim Baskerville


"This concludes this edition of "Night News." As always, this and past issues of "Night News" are accessible at

"And finally, just remember: ". . . let's be careful out there."