• Current Show: The Panocturnists • Call for Entries: Auto-Nocturne

T h e--P a n o c t u r n i s ts
I guess it all started in 2008 - see The Nocturnes NPy Blog - when a review copy of Chris Faust's book, "Nocturnes" (catchy title, no?) arrived. A beautiful landscape (9x15) format text of cold midwestern panoramic
black and white Night Photography. His image (below), Waiting at the Crossing, Lincoln, NE 1993 is featured
in the book, available thru The Nocturnes link to Amazon.

Then a similar revelation occurred when we Curated The Nocturnes 2008 Exhibit here. Amid the excellent submissions for the show, were two panoramic night photographs by Dennis Dowling. That really got us thinking about this NPy thing and panorama photographs (his images were awarded the Curator's Choice in the show). Peripheral vision, a heightened sense of alertness, a premonition
of what might be "coming 'round the bend" - I dunno, these panos just seem to speak to us
somehow - much the way that the best NPy does.

Battery Mendell, Dennis Dowling ©2008
Around the first of the year (2009), Joe Reifer posted the image seen in the page banner above (Mad Mouse Rollercoaster) on his Blog, complete with technical info on the production of this dark image which got us thinking about the exhibit/site, The Panocturnists, and what that might include.

Finally, the ghostly image below, by Jack Fisher, "appeared" during a recent AlumNight event here on Mare Island. It was created up at Rhyolite on our Death Valley trek of 2008. An image of The Last Supper 1984 by Charles Albert Szukalski, installed at the Goldwell Open Air Museum in the mining Ghost Town of Rhyolite (just down the road from Beatty, Nevada).

The Last Supper 1984, sculpture by Charles Albert Szukalski; NPy by Jack Fisher

With a lot of help via technology - software solutions, digital and film cameras, etc. - there is plenty
of activity in this vast panoramic world, of late - so with all this in mind, we are pleased to
announce our latest online exhibit - The Panocturnists! We've dredged the nocturnal corners
of the World W I D E Web in search of haunting, borders-extending NPy in the panoramic format, captured and/or constructed, on film or digital media. Juried by Chris Faust (see b/w image above) whose brilliant book, Nocturnes provided the impetus for this fascination with, and study
of the Panocturne. CLICK HERE! to see the exhibit!

Be sure to visit www.thepanocturnists.com as this Web site grows, and for more details
as they become available. Also, to connect with other Panocturnists, check
out The Panocturnists Blog, and our Flickr group.

Think it's time to broaden our horizons a bit . . .