"It was twenty years ago, today . . . "

Below, find the full list of the year-long schedule of events surrounding
- the 20th Anniversary (in 2011) of the founding of The Nocturnes!
Included are Workshops, courses at various educational institutions in the San Francisco Bay
area, Exhibits (both online and "bricks 'n' mortar"), field trips, Alumni events - and more!

• Starting January 6, 2011 we offered, at Harvey Milk Photo Center in San Francisco, a
series of 3 related courses (to run 11 weeks total - then repeat for the Spring): A History of
Night Photography, Introduction to NPy, and Advanced Night Photography

"TheNocturnes@20" publication release party / celebration of Steve Harper's
80th Birthday / and a great way to kickoff our 20th - January 29.

• College of Marin (7-week course - Winter 2011) Feb 4 - March 18

"20@24" - The Nocturnes visit Pier 24 Gallery in San Francisco on Feb 10 (Alumni only)

• Mare Island Nocturne (part of SF Flyway Festival) - February 12

• Open submissions period for "All along the Lee Shore" online exhibit Feb 24 - April 29

• Island Night (on Mare Island) - Feb 26 (Alumni only)

• Night Photography (College of Marin) - 7-week course - April 1 - May 20

• A History of Night Photography (ViewPoint Gallery, Sacramento, CA) -April 16

• Introduction to Night Photography (ViewPoint Gallery) -April 23

• "Postcards from San Francisco" - offered thru Harvey Milk Photo Center, a series of 6 standalone,
one-night workshops, collectively exploring (historically and photographically) some of the City's
most famous landmarks:Chinatown, the Golden Gate Bridge, Sutro Baths - the Ruins, Palace of
Fine Arts, Treasure Island, Palace of the Legion of Honor - June 9 thru July28

• The second Quinquennial (every 5yrs) Night Photography Festival at Mono Lake - June 12-15, 2011

• Night Photography (RayKo Photo Center) w/co-instructor Lance Keimig June 18-19

"TheNocturnes@20" exhibit at Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica, CA - July 8 to August 14

• Alcatraz Nocturne (an 'almost-over nighter on "The Rock") - July 15 (Alumni only)

"Mare Island Nocturnes" exhibit of 20 artists, at Mare Island Museum - August 3 to Sept 15

"All along the Lee Shore . . ." - our 24th online exhibition

• Introduction to Night Photography (a benefit for Rush Ranch Open Space, Solano County) - Sept 12

• Introduction to Night Photography (ViewPoint Gallery) - October 1

"Studio Nocturne 2011" exhibit at Fort Mason Center (SF) - October 20 to 23

• Island Night (on Mare Island) - October 29 (Alumni only)

• Introduction to Night Photography (Harvey Milk Photo Center) - November 3 to Deceber 8

"The Nocturnes 20th Anniversary Photography Exhibit"
- held at Harvey Milk Photo Center, featured
the work of 34 artists associated with The Nocturnes - Nov. 9 thru December 3, 2011

Learn more about the History of The Nocturnes here.

Find out more about our current schedule of events here.