Juror Brooks Jenson, publisher of Lenswork
(Seattle WA) had this to say about the entries to this exhibit, the awards
he gave, and the selection process itself:
"Visual artists always walk such a fine sword-edge - either nothing
comes to mind and the creative well is dry, or it requires ten images
to complete a "visual paragraph." That sword-edge where the highest demands
are made is the creation of a single image that both enthralls and captures
all at once and, even more difficult, continues to do so over time. I
was reminded of this again in looking at the work in this exhibition and
asked to select those images that I thought were "best." Best is, at best,
a slippery concept in art. Add to that, the stated objective of this exhibition
relative to the "shoulder of giants" (as Tim put it - see Prospectus),
and I found this work both a challenge and a great deal of fun to enjoy.
There were at least ten images that I kept coming back to over and over
again, and liked different ones as my mood changed, as I looked more deeply,
as they haunted my mind's eye when away from the computer. Too bad it
is necessary to select just one winner, but that was the assignment, so
that is the result.
Best of Show - Empty Lot
by Adam Kuehl
"Empty Lot by Adam Kuehl was not my first choice, but it insisted
that I pay more attention. It called me, it captured me. I still cannot
say what there is about this simple image that draws me in -- the subtle
yet dominant sky coloration; the composition of the roof lines leading
my eye up and left while the single powerline leads me back and in; the
symmetrical non-symmetry; the rectangular ellipses dots across the building
walls. All these compositional elements work together, but there is an
audible stillness that brings me to the edge of my seat, makes me lean
in with anticipation, quickens my heart. Over the course of a week, this
image rose to the top and, for me, was the peak emotional moment in the
exhibition. I choose it "Best of Show."
Honorable Mention - Storm Clouds
by Michael Levin
"Storm Clouds by Michael Levin is, first, a gorgeous image.
The reversal of tones with the dark sky and light foreground is heavenly.
The single perpendicular focal point is perfectly place and timed at the
end of that white slit of a line coming in from the left side. Perfectly
balanced, perfect tones, perfect harmonies -- it is a Michael Kenna work
that I know even Michael Kenna would be proud of. Under normal circumstances
it would have been easy for me to discount this as too Kenna-esque for
its own good, but the purpose of this exhibition was to pay homage to
one's influences. In this case, the compliment Levin pays to Kenna is
so exquisite and so perfect that it simply has to be mentioned with honor."
"I was supposed to stop here, but I simply cannot. There are some
great images here that the photographers need to know are simply wonderful:
Crossing the Street in Snow by Marcus Kazmierczak is such a fine
tribute to Cartier-Bresson (and Stieglitz); Night Trees by Robert
Levin (Kenna again); Belfast Boat by Al Olson; Draft by
Andy Frazer; Untitled XIX by Michael Reinders (Robert Adams is
drooling); Street 07 and Shadow 01 by Teric Farmer; and
Palo Alto Parking Lot by Edward West (which reminds me so much
of the church at Taos!) Congratulations to all, mentioned and unmentioned.
I am inspired by your work to walk about at night with my camera and I
am not sure I can think of a higher compliment to you all."
Brook Jensen
Editor, Lenswork Publishing
Curator's Choice - Three at Mark's Castle II
by Joe Reifer
"Resembling a history painting from another time and place, this
image struck me on first viewing - and then stuck with me throughout the
'building' of this show - so it's the Curator's Choice! From the ambiguous
location and the mysterious actions portrayed, to the stage-like quality
- all make us wonder: What is happening here?"
Tim Baskerville
Curator/Founder, The Nocturnes
Congrats to Adam, Joe, and Michael and all the people who participated in
this exhibit - there easily could have been more award-winners - but "them's
the rules!"
As always, you can visit NightTalk,
the message board of The Nocturnes, and let us know what you thought of
this exhibit.
To see what we might have been looking for read the original Prospectus
for this show.
We hope you enjoy the show!
Best of Show

Empty Lot by Adam Kuehl (MIchigan) ©2005