• Online Exhibit Archive
Auto-Nocturne September 2010


Marianne Bastyr

David Dasinger

David A Evans

Ed Hamilton

Michele Houghton

Rob Langston

Hunter Luisi

Kerstin Nelson

Joe Reed

Greta Schnetzler

Manu Schnetzler

Aaron Siladi

Teresa Kirby Smith

Alejandro Soto


Troy Paiva

Joe Reifer


Tim Baskerville

"Whither goest thou, America, in thy shiny car
in the night?

(Jack Kerouac, from "On the Road")

Essex, Calif., 2003
, Warren Bates ©2003-10

Las Vegas, 2003
, Warren Bates ©2003-10

Welcome to Auto-Nocturne - our 22nd Online Night Photography Exhibit - dedicated to the work of
Warren Bates (1961 - 2010)

Just follow the linked "To the Exhibit" button at upper left to see all the work selected for the show, as well as the winners!

And, be sure to check out the Auto-Nocturne Flickr group we've established - this was the preliminary 'casting call' for the show - and many of the artists you see in this show have more Auto-Nocturnal work to show there!

Greta and Manu
Schnetzler ©2010

Alejandro Soto ©2010

Hnter Luisi ©2010

Rob Langston ©2010

Copyright 1996-2010 by Pacific Media Arts, Inc. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.