Patrik Argast
Paul Auen
Marla Aufmuth
Ron Becijos
Gabriel Biderman
Susan Bregman
Jennifer Brown
Georg Ciardi
Simon Coyle
Alex Crowell
Ivan Dryer
Paul Dyer
Michael Frye
Guy Jean Genevier
Guy Glorieux
John Harr
Jennifer Hattam
Derek Hoyle
James Hutchens
Stuart Jenks
Stephen Kennedy
Ryan Ketterman
Brenda Mansfield
Andrew McLeod
Jimmy Patrick
Michael Pierazzi
Charles Pratt
Michael Quinn
Ian Rhett
Gary Eno Seppa
Larrie Thomson
Jamie Urman
Robert Vizzini
Erik Waddell
Paul Weiner
Barbara Yoshida |
Our Juror for this show, Lynn
Saville is a New York-based photographer who has exhibited
and taught internationally. Her work is in major collections
at the California Museum of Photography, the Houston Museum
of Fine Arts, the Milwaukee Art Museum, among others and
her awards include a 1999 New York State Council for the
Arts grant.
A book of her night photographs, Acquainted
with the Night (available at was published by Rizzoli
in 1997. Her work is represented by the Yancey Richardson
Gallery in Soho, among other galleries internationally. |

© Robert Vizzini

© George Ciardi