Death Valley Full Moon Night Photography Workshop Days/Times: Friday, Saturday, Sunday - November 11-13, 2016; 2pm until late Curriculum Tim Baskerville will discuss in depth some of his images - many done on-site in Death Valley - to aid participants in their immediate 'foray' into the dark, with emphasis on the "mixed" lighting situations that one finds while working at night in developed areas, as well as tips to "mixing" your own varied light sources, and the in-camera "dodging" technique of controlling the overall contrast of a night scene on film. Finally, several hours (or as late as participants want to stay out photographing!) will be spent shooting the architectural and landscape features of Furnace Creek Ranch and the nearby groves of date palms. The following night (Saturday, November 12) we meet again at 2pm for another PowerPoint presentation (contemporary practitioners of the craft of NPy) and a discussion of technical material. The rest of the night will be spent shooting around the Ranch again, and will emphasize "venturing a little further out" into the darkness (longer exposures), depending on class interest. Some of this work can be done on foot - within short distances from the Ranch. Other locations might include the Harmony Borax Works, or a short trek down to Badwater Basin (lowest point in North America - 282 feet below Sea Level! The third night will be spent photographing on location at spectacular Zabriskie Point and other locations, under the illumination of the waxing Full "Frost" Moon. There is even the possibility of a Guest Lecturer for this special Workshop - if we can work out some of the logistics! There are also plenty of daytime activities that Workshop attendees can participate in, surveying the various historical, cultural, and geological attractions the Park has to offer. The newly renovated Visitor Center (located near the Ranch) is a good starting point. You might even venture away from "the dark side" and bring your camera along to do some "daylight photography!" Emphasis will be on evaluating existing lighting situations and exposing accordingly. Supplemental lighting possibilities will be discussed and demonstrated. Digital, transparency, b/w, and color negative films, will be discussed and compared. This is an intensive workshop limited to 12 participants who will be closely supervised by the instructor, on location. Students will provide their own equipment and are expected to be familiar with basic photographic techniques. An Suggested Equipment list will be provided upon receipt of full payment, along with a detailed time schedule and itinerary. Lodging and Meals Please print form BELOW, fill it out (keeping a copy for your records) For additional information email us at workshop [at] thenocturnes [dot] com Registration FORM: Death Valley Workshop Credit Card: Visa _______ Mastercard _______ Amount: ______________Credit Card Number: _________________________________ Expiration: ____ / ____ Name on Card: __________________ Three-digit Card Security Code (CSC) ____________________ Zip Code corresponding to Credit Card: __________________ Authorized Signature: ________________________________ Note that "Pacific Media Arts" will appear as the payee on your Credit Card statement. Pacific Media Arts and The Nocturnes reserve the right to change faculty or cancel courses as necessary. Each tuition includes a 10% non-refundable registration processing fee. Returned checks are subject to a $25 service charge. The balance of the tuition is refundable (2 weeks before start of the event) only by written request to Pacific Media Arts (snail-mail) AND The Nocturnes Web site (workshop [at] thenocturnes [dot] com). There will be NO REFUNDS AFTER THAT TIME. Photographic Experience / Interest in Night Photography:
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